60 seconds with…Darren Papani, Managing Director, Edmolift Lyfthaus

Tell us about your business, when was it formed and what do you do?
The Edmolift Group consists of two separate businesses, each working with district market sectors. Edmolift was formed in 1964 and supplies scissor lift platforms for industrial and commercial clients, this includes loading bay lifts and low rise goods lifts. Lyfthaus, established in 2014 is a designer and manufacturer of bespoke disabled access platform lifts for heritage, prestige and style focused clients within architecture and the lift trade.
Who are your customers? Which markets do you serve?
Our client base is exceptionally varied, from F1 teams to royalty, military to healthcare, castle to cathedrals. Architects, manufacturers, construction and the lift trade are among the many markets we serve within the UK, Europe and beyond.
How many times have you been to LIFTEX?
As a visitor I have attended many times, as exhibitors this will be our second and I am very much looking forward to it.
What are the main issues that your customers deal with and how do you help them?
We are a solutions provider. Every product we produce is tailor-made to our clients requirements. This is often required due to architectural constraints or planning restrictions. Our clients either need the lift to fit within the challenging parameters of an existing property or the lift needs to seamlessly dissolve into its architectural landscape and be as discreet as possible. We help them achieve this by using creative designs, materials and finishes.
Are there any issues that specifiers, contractors / owners should be aware of in the next 12 months?
The future looks bright for our sector of the industry, we are recognised as a leading light for bespoke platform lifts. Creativity is the key and finding skilled designers is essential.
How can we, as an industry, help designers and building owners to become more energy efficient and meet Net Zero targets?
This is an area in which we have worked very hard in the last couple of years having been accredited with ISO14001, SME Climate Hub and the UN Global Compact. We are currently working towards gaining Ecovardis. We measure and test our environmental impact constantly. Achieving these accreditation’s and choosing suppliers who work to similar guidelines is essential to meeting Net Zero.
What will you be promoting / what can visitors expect to see on your stand?
We will be demonstrating our skills as bespoke designers with platform lifts featuring frameless glass, bronze balustrades, cast finials, aluminium detailing and fancy railings in addition to our new MCL low rise goods lifts concept.
What advice would you give to anyone visiting the show? What should they look for and how can they get the most from their visit?
This is your one-stop-shop, make the very most of it. Arrive early and expect to leave late!
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